Registration for 2025-2026!
View the slideshows below for information on how to select your classes for 2025-2026.
Freshman Registration Slideshow
Class of 2026!
In January, all incoming seniors will receive a Registration Worksheet . Please look over this form, and discuss with your parents/guardians possible classes for senior year. In February, counselors will go into all US History classes to call out each junior for a one-on-one meeting to:
We will mail home a copy of the Graduation Checklist, any notes, and their proposed schedule. Students, please share this with your parents/guardians!
Class of 2027!
Counselors will begin Junior Registration late February in all History classes. Counselors will spend some time presenting during Advisory on Career Pathways, graduation and A-G college admissions requirements, then pull students to meet one-on-one to review their transcript, discuss career/college goals, and plan next year's schedule.
Students will leave with a copy of their transcript, as well as a list of courses they requested.
Class of 2028!
Counselors will begin Sophomore Registration Mid-March. Counselors will prepare students to select 10th grade classes by presenting in the classroom on graduation requirements, A-G college admissions requirements, iCAN options, and Career Pathways. We will then pull students to meet one-on-one to review their transcript, discuss career/college goals, and plan next year's schedule.
Students will leave with a copy of their transcript, as well as a list of courses they requested.
Class of 2029!
Counselors will visit Castaic Middle School for an orientation and to give them course registration information late March. We will return a week later to meet one on one with each CMS 8th grader.
For non-CMS students, we will coordinate a time to meet with each student at their school site in April. This will be coordinated with the junior high school counselor.
2025-26 Applications and Interest Forms (coming soon)
Want to join iCAN in the Fall? Click HERE
Want to join a CCR Extended Day class? Click HERE
Want to join ASB? Click HERE
Want to join Yearbook? Apply HERE
Want to join Theatre? Contact Mrs. Moss-Layman at [email protected]
Want to join Band or Color Guard? Contact Mr. Kim at [email protected]
Want to join Good Morning Castaic (GMC)? Apply HERE